If there's no danger,
why are we in a lawsuit?
It's a protest, not a lawsuit.
The point is
we're doing something wrong.
Everybody's suing us.
We got a lawsuit from a refinery...
...a nuclear lawsuit,
a guy named Porpoise is suing us.
Mr Farnswon'th,
that's an ecological suit
against our canning factory
for destroying porpoises.
- For God's sake, he knows that.
- We can porpoises?
Our San Diego fleet...
As everybody knows, we can tuna,
and in netting the tuna,
we kill a number of porpoises.
Since they're mammals
of alleged high intelligence,
there's been an outcry.
Yeah, well... Yeah... Yeah.
I would just like
to ask you a question.
- Why is he bringing the press here?
- You know Leo Farnswon'th.
- Maybe I don't know him.
- Exactly.
We have responsibility
to thousands of shareholders
of moderate means, less well off than
the ecological groups fighting us.
If we were a football team,
would you call this a winning season?
I haven't the faintest...
Just generally. Would you say
we got a winning season?
On balance,
we've had an extremely good year.
We've got a winning season.
What do you do
when you're ahead?
- I don't know what you want.
- You don't make mistakes.
You don't gamble unnecessarily.
You protect your lead.
You don't pass from your own end.
You make sure nobody gets hurt.
You got to use these guys
in the next game.
We won this game. We got to stay
in shape for the rest of the game.
It's like when everybody was supposed
to stop eating grapes.
I didn't because I like grapes.
A lot of guys will keep eating tuna.