What if we had a good-guy
tuna company on the porpoise team?
A lot of guys would buy that so
their kids wouldn't get mad at them.
I don't think they're
taking into account the expense.
We don't care how much it costs,
just how much it makes.
If it costs too much,
we charge a penny more.
Would you pay more
to save a fish who thinks?
- That's not bad.
- We handle all lawsuits that way.
Let other teams build plants
in the wrong places.
Let the other quarterback
throw a gurgle
so newspapers get hold of it
and stockholders don't like it.
Let's be the team that makes
the rules, plays fair,
that gets the best contract,
that's popular.
Forget these nuclear power plants
until we know they're safe.
That Pagglesham refinery,
we'll have to relocate it.
It'll cost us $35 million,
but we don't care,
because we'll come out ahead
in the end.
That plastic stuff we're making,
we'll have to stop.
We're not here for just one game.
We're going all the way
to the Super Bowl!
And we'll already have won!
- Hi. How you doing?
- Fine, thank you. Very well...
What's happening?
... give the Rams advantage
through the playoffs.
The Super Bowl is set
for the Coliseum.
If he werert going to be dead soon,
he'd need years of psychiatric help.
Let's do it tonight.
The Rams will probably face Dallas
in the opening round. If they win...
- Mr Pendleton.
- Hey!