I'd like to buy it.
I'd like to bring it in here.
No, I'm sorry, Mr Farnswon'th.
That's not for sale.
What do you want it for?
I've got to get in shape.
I'd like you to help me train.
- Train?
- Yeah. As soon as I'm ready...
I want you to get me
a tryout with the Rams.
- What are you trying out for?
- Quarterback.
The point is, Mr Farnswon'th,
we already got a quarterback
working with the team.
We got a couple
of pretty good backups.
You call Hodges good, huh?
The point is
we don't need a quarterback.
Why don't you try another team?
The Oakland Raiders are close.
Give them a call.
I want to play quarterback
and get in shape for the Super Bowl.
What would it cost to try out?
Look, Mr Farnswon'th,
no team wants a crazy trainer,
and only a crazy trainer
would arrange a tryout for you.
You keep your money,
I'll keep my job,
and we'll keep this little
misunderstanding to ourselves.
That's all right,
I'll finish that up.
What would you say if I told you
I was a professional football player?
- These... These are nice.
- Max, you know how people die?
Yeah. Why?
And after they die,
they go to heaven?
I guess, if they're good.
I mean, why not?
You know how it works in heaven?
- Not exactly.
- It's probability and outcome.
I never knew that.
Say there's a probability
that some guy's going to die.
An escort from his way station
gets a signal.
He goes down
and waits for the outcome.
If the guy lives,
the escort wasted a trip.