Not bad?
I look fantastic.
Actually, Im very glad
to meet you
because I didnt thank you
properly for all you did.
Oh, come on.
You stuck your neck
way out for me.
My nurse told me they
were laying odds of 2-to-1
that youd be defrocked,
or destethoscoped,
or whatever it is
they do to doctors.
Quite a talker,
your nurse.
Well, its sociable
during an enema.
Showtime, folks.
Since the 19th century
and the advancement
of medical science,
the physician has assumed
a godlike role
in American society.
But whatever happened
to the old family doctor?
Making house calls
in the middle of the night,
driving through a blizzard,
the wind howling,
temperature way below zero,
snow pelting down.
What happened to him?
He caught cold
and died, I suppose.
Its true. The old
family practitioner is gone.
But it still takes incredible
dedication to become a doctor today.
Yes, yes.
First, the difficulty of
getting into medical school...
Yes. In view of all this,
what advice would you have
for a young person
who wants to go into medicine?
My advice is always the same
and always simple.
Marry money.
But seriously,
Dr. Nichols.
What became
of the house call?
Listen, its a matter
of practicality.
Are you serious?
Intensely, sir.
Well, today, youve got
a situation
where a doctor can handle
five patients in his office
in the same time it takes
to make one house call.
Therefore, you have five people
who are helped instead of one.
Also five people who are
charged instead of one.
Beg your pardon?
I said, also five people
who are charged.
Our mail in this area is...
I prefer to think of it
as five patients being helped.
Do you indeed? Money, of
course, is of no consequence.
Good medical care
is not cheap.
Neither is bad medical care.
I read in a magazine,
over the past 20 years,
doctors have become
the highest-paid income group
in the entire country.
Uh, Mrs. Atkinson, no offence,
but you dont know what the
hell youre talking about.
Do you know how much it costs
to run a medical practice?
Take a simple
routine check-up.