Who says your Ma
aint a genius?
Okay, what did you forget?
Beg your pardon?
Who is this?
I dont know you very well,
but dont you ever say hello?
Hello. Who is this?
Dr. Nichols. Charley.
What are you doing here
at this time of night?
May I use your phone?
I got into my car,
my battery died.
Oh, I am sorry.
When are the services?
Press the buzzer.
Don't you
ever say, "please"?
Would you press it again?
Who is this?
Come on, will you?
Stop kiddin around.
Oh, you shouldnt
have bothered.
Its beautiful.
Thank you.
I was married in it.
The phone?
Oh, there.
I got to call
the auto club.
Now, dont be too long,
Im expecting
an obscene phone call.
I hope you dont mind
my asking,
but shouldnt you be
with whats- her-name?
You know, the little girl
who lives down the lane?
Edith Baskin.
Edith Baskin.
Why arent you up there
using her phone?
Oh, uh, I had already
said good night.
And thank you, I hope.
Yes. And it wouldve
been an anticlimax.
And then I remembered
that you lived
down the street.
Hello, Auto?
Uh, Dr. Charles Nichols here.