I don't get paid enough for...
All right. Simmer down.
Simmer down, simmer down.
All right. A few weeks ago
I went to England, and I saw
these four youngsters perform.
Both Sylvia and I agreed that
what they do to an audience
is truly remarkable.
So, I want you to be prepared for...
excessive screaming, hysteria,
hyperventilation, fainting,
fits, seizures, spasmodic convulsions,
even attempted suicides...
all perfectly normal.
It merely means that these youngsters
are enjoying themselves.
Now, I want you to remember
that tomorrow night...
we're going out live, coast to coast,
to 90 million viewers
in the United States and Canada.
So remember, nothing must interfere
with our really big "shoe. "
# Oh, yeah, I'll tell you something #
#I think you'll understand #
# When I say that something #
#I want to hold your hand #
#I want to hold your hand #
#I want to hold your hand #
# Oh, please, say to me #
# You'll let me be your man #
#And please, say to me #
# You'll let me hold your hand #
#Now let me hold your hand #
#I want to hold your hand #
#And when I touch you I feel happy inside #
#It's such a feeling that my love #
#I can't hide, I can't hide #
#I can't hide #
# Yeah, you got that something #