Aren't you guys forgetting
about something?
Aren't you forgetting
about this?
Oh, yeah. That.
This is my last night as a single woman.
We were gonna do something special.
We were supposed to spend
the night at Rosie's, and it was gonna
be like my shower or something.
Oh, hey, Pam, what could be better
than for all of us to drive up
to the Beatles' hotel together...
and see the Beatles in person?
Yeah! Right, Pam.
How much money you got?
I'm about to be a married woman.
I can't go chasing after the Beatles,
and it's not fair to Eddie.
Pam, I want you
to know something.
You don't seem to understand
how important this is to me.
I mean... I mean, I have got
to get through to the Beatles.
My entire career depends on it.
If I could get exclusive pictures of the Beatles,
I mean, they'd run my story on
the front page of The Suburban!
I mean, I might even be able to sell it
to Life magazine or something.
Can you imagine that?
Jesus Christ.
Gonna suffocate in here.
Hey, Janis.
Hey, Janis, you got any money?
What do you want money for?
Don't worry.
It's for a good cause.
Grace, there's Larry Dubois.
So what?
So don't you know
who Larry Dubois is?
Yes, I do. He's the boy
that threw up in biology.
His father's got lots of limousines.
He's an undertaker.
Hi, Larry. I didn't know
you played a musical instrument.
You're so musical.
This is ridiculous.
He'll never do it.
Uh, Larry, are you busy tonight?
I don't know.
He'll do it.
# Oh, oh #
I just ran over a casket.
What was it doing out
with the garbage?
Is that where it was?
Ooh, sh... Oh, it's okay. It's one of those
discontinued models my father's throwin' out.
You know, nobody was in it,
so the garbage man'll come
and pick it up.