#Hey, Hey #
#Bop shoo wop, bop bop shoo wop #
#Hey, Hey #
#Bop shoo wop, bop bop shoo wop #
#Hey, Hey #
#Bop shoo wop #
#Bop bop shoo wop #
#She say you do #
#Bop shoo wop #
#My girl says when I kiss her lips #
Damn it, Smerko,
what are you tryin' to do? Kill us?
Hey, lighten up!
No harm done here.
Everybody's in one piece. Huh!
Ohh! Oh-ho!
Want a swig of this stuff?
Say, what is that?
Let me see this.
What do you got?
"Beatles"... What does this say?
"Beatles undermine artistic"...
I never would've figured
on you for a Beatles fan.
I loathe the Beatles.
Not me. I hate 'em. Uuh!
I can't stand their music.
- Hey, Dubois, get up.
- What?
I think you're sittin'
on my comb.
Got it, Tony?
Yeah, thanks.
Ooh, hoo-hoo!
Say, you got some collection here.
Ann-Margret, we got Patty Duke,
Tuesday Weld, Jackie... Jackie Kennedy?
Jesus, Dubois, you got the hots
forJackie Kennedy?
Why'd you take my wallet, Tony?
Fastest hands in the West.
Yeah, well, you give me back...
Look. Now, look, no more screwin' around
here, Smerko! We have serious business
to take care of in New York!
- Hey, well, I'm a serious guy.
- Right. Well, you just keep
your hands off of Dubois.
- Hey, me and Dubois are old pals,
ain't we, Dubois?
- Yeah.
Hey, Dubois, about what happened
in the cafeteria Friday?
Look, I guess I must've
slipped or somethin'.
Did you get all of the applesauce
outta your hair okay?
No problem, Tony.
- Hey, I'm sick of those limey fairies!
- Come on, Smerko!
- Hey, switch that back!
That was Peter, Paul and Mary!
You and your stupid protest music.
That stuff's boring.
Did you ever listen to the words?
You oughta try listening
to the words sometime.