# You know you twist it, little girl #
# Twist it, little girl #
# You know you twist so fine #
# Twist so fine #
# Come on and twist a little closer now #
# Twist a little closer #
#And let me know that you're mine #
#Let me know you're mine #
# Well, shake it, shake it
shake it, baby, now #
#Shake it up, baby #
# Well, shake it, shake it
shake it, baby, now #
#Shake it up, baby #
# Well, shake it, shake it
shake it, baby, now ##
#Shake it up, baby ##
Keep driving, Larry. Around the corner.
Pull up to the front of the hotel
like you know what you're doing.
Okay? Here, put this on.
- We want the Beatles!
- Pam, you comin'with us?
- Yeah, I just hope Eddie
doesn't find out about this.
- Right. Okay, so Rosie and Pam are with me.
And the rest of you guys, we'll meet you
later in front of the hotel, okay?
Now, everybody, duck down.
I don't want this car
to look like a school bus.
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles! We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
Move back! Move back!
We want the Beatles! We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
Better check.
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
Get that car! Check that car!
Yeah, pass him on through.
Come on, boy. Move it, move it!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
- This isn't gonna work, Grace.
This isn't gonna work.
- Shh! Just tell me when we get to the front door.
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
We want the Beatles!
- We want the Beatles!
- Okay.