Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
What's happening?
They stink. They got no talent at all.
They look like a bunch of girls!
Yeah, man, we hate the Beatles, man.
They're foreigners from another country.
They take our women away from us.
Man, send them back! Send 'em back!
Yeah, the Beatles are a bunch of wimps.
Everybody that listens to their music are wimps
too. What're trying to prove with long hair?
You're misunderstanding the whole point.
I don't know what
these chicks see in it either.
It's just a gimmick!
Oh, and another thing, Murray.
WI NS used to be the best radio station
in town until you started playing
all this Beatles junk.
Now that's all I ever hear!
Whatever happened to the Four Seasons?
I ain't never gonna listen to 1010 WI NS
again ever. Never gonna, never ever.
All right. Wait a minute.
You know something?
You're a deranged person,
but keep your chin up.
Yeah, Harry, my eyes were bothering me a little
with all the reading I'm doing around here.
So I went and I picked up this lamp.
It's a real great lamp. I mean, it's got,
like, three switches on it to make it bright.
Great for reading.
Yeah, that's right, Harry.
What do you think...
What the hell's
the matter with you?
Why don't you watch
where you push that thing?
Harry? Hello, Harry?
Stupid kid. He broke my lamp.