Beatles bedsheets.
Beatles bedsheets?
Those are the actual bedsheets
the Beatles slept on Friday night.
Only two bucks per square inch.
You mean you paid two bucks
for this little piece of nothing?
They're worth at least five.
Grace, what time do you think
we'll be going home?
Oh, yeah?
How do you know these
are the real Beatles bedsheets?
The guy said they were authentic.
You can't lie
about a thing like that.
That would be against the law.
Grace, we should
be getting home. I don't wanna
miss The Ed Sullivan Show.
Tell me something. Were there
a lot of kids buyin' these things?
Oh, heck, yeah.
You want me to show you where
the guy is that sold 'em to me?
Here. Take these.
Come on, Larry.
Let's get outta here.
Wait. You gotta take me with you.
I'm the only one who knows
where the guy is that sold me this stuff.
You gotta take me with ya.
What is wrong with you?
Who is this guy, Rosie?
Where'd he come from? Mars?
Oh, this is Richard Klaus.
He's my boyfriend.
Your boyfriend?
Grace, wait.
What about The Ed Sullivan Show?
Well, you'd better find a TV set,
because I still have
to get my pictures.
Your boyfriend? What's the idea
of telling that broad I'm your boyfriend?
I'm not your boyfriend.
But I thought you and me...
Well, we seemed to get along
pretty well and all.
Yeah? I thought
you were in love with Paul.
Well, I am, but it's different
with Paul.
- I mean, Paul... He's a Beatle.
It's just different.
- Yeah. I get it.
You're just like all the rest. You're in love
with the Beatles till somebody better
comes along, huh?
Well, I got news for ya.
Where I come from, they've got a name
for people like you.
You're a traitor, and I don't
associate with traitors, so you can
just quit taggin' along with me.
"Amscray," sister!
I am not a traitor!
I do love Paul!
I'll always love Paul!
I'll never love anybody else, ever!
#I love you #
You know,
you'd make things a lot easier
if you'djust cut your hair.
Hey, wait a minute.
I think I got it.
- Hey!
- Let's get outta here!
Hey, you kids!
Come back!
Come on! This way!
- Come back here!
Come on! Let's get 'em!
You all right?
Security for the Beatles.
This way!
At times, the Beatles had to
dress themselves up as the fuzz...
- in order to go from place to place without
getting torn to shreds by all those girls.
- Excuse me.