- Why are you always so negative?
- I don't think that was negative.
Oh, you're always reluctant to
encourage me. I don't know why.
Mother, I know that you're optimistic, but
it's important for you to be realistic, too.
- Is there something you're not saying?
- No.
Dr. Lobel doesn't think it's unrealistic
to hope that your father and I
might reconcile. It's just a goal.
Fine. I didn't say anything
to get in the way of that.
You always make it sound
as though it's impossible.
- I didn't say it was impossible.
- Yes, you did. You imply that a lot.
Renata thinks it's going to happen.
- I'm sure she didn't say that.
- She did. She implied that.
- Maybe you read into it.
- No. She just looks on the bright side.
Oh, great. That's wonderful. I just don't
think you should delude yourself either.
So there's no chance your father
will want to live with me?
- I didn't say that.
- Renata thinks there's a good chance.
- Just wait and see.
- You just refuse to encourage me.
- Why don't you discuss it with Renata?
- I will, thank you. I will.
Mother paced all the time.
She was an insomniac.
You could, um... always hear her upstairs
pacing in the middle of the night.