
You OK?
I just experienced the strangest sensation.
Well, you look kinda pale.
It was as if I had a sudden...
clear vision where everything seems...
sort of awful and predatory.
It was like... It was like I was here
and the world was out there,
and I couldn't bring us together.

Could you have had one of those dreams?
No, because the same thing happened
last week when I was reading upstairs.

I suddenly became
hyper aware of my body.

And I could feel my heart beating,
and I began to imagine that...
I could feel the blood sort of
coursing through my veins

and my hands and in
the back of my... neck.

I felt precarious, like I was
a machine that was functioning

but I could just conk out at any second.
You're not gonna conk out. You gotta put
those kind of thoughts out of your head.

Yeah. It frightens me,
too, you know, because...

I'm not that far from the age when
Mother began showing signs of strain.

You're not your mother.
You're not. You're not.

You've been under stress and you haven't
been sleeping well. Things like that.

What are these?
Are these Joey's photographs?

- Oh, yeah.
- Let me see.
