In what way?
Oh, I don't know. There's just
the two of us and it's kinda pale.
Besides, I have so much furniture and
pictures, this place'd be like a warehouse.
Would you like to hear some music?
Do I look older?
Yeah, I mean it. Do you think I look older?
No. Why would you think that?
I don't know. I don't know, I...
I look in the mirror and I feel discouraged.
Now I see you and you don't change at all.
No, you don't change. Your skin,
it's like cream. Look at your skin.
I work at it.
No, I don't think that's it.
I have a few good years, then my youth
will be frozen on celluloid for TV movies.
Come on, Flyn. You're more than just
beautiful. You know you have talent.
- Don't pump me up.
- Why do you say that?
I know what I am.
Look, I'm not treated seriously.
When really classy projects
come along I get passed over.
If it wasn't for the stupid
television industry...
You have always been so
self-deprecating. You know that.
No, you're the gifted one in this
family, Renny. I'm proud of you.
I wish you lived here,
I really do. Every time I see you, I...
It just reminds me
how much I do miss you.
How's Frederick?
He's angry. He's teaching when
he really wants to be writing.
Teaching can't be taught anyway. He's
taking his rage out in these critical pieces
under the guise of high standards.
I don't know. I guess I...
- I don't think I've been very good for him.
- Oh, Renny, he idolizes you.