
un tempo lo pensavo,
ma ora, per qualche motivo,
non riesco a...
Non riesco a scrollarmi di dosso
le reali implicazioni della morte.

E terrificante.
Talmente intimo da essere imbarazzante.
Che c'รจ? Stai ancora
pensando a tua madre?

E incredibile che Renata la incoraggi.
La riempie di false speranze.

Cerca solo di tenerla su di morale.
What's the matter? You still
thinking about your mother?

I can't believe Renata encourages her.
She fills her full of false hope.

She's just trying to keep her spirits up.
I wanna quit my job.
Oh, Joey!
I can't keep my mind on it.
I can't concentrate.

I sit there all day, reading other people's
manuscripts, and I lose interest.

I get headaches. Then I'm meant to write
an opinion. It's not fair to the authors.

A month ago you said you finally
found something you enjoyed.

Well, I was wrong.
I think about going back to acting.
I'm not an actress.
Can't do that again.
Flyn's the actress in this family.

Why don't you work with me?
Because political activity
is not my interest.

I'm too self-centered for that.
That's my whole point.
It would get you off yourself.
