I'll listen to you.
Let him go.
Who are you?
I'm Dr. Hill
from the state mental hospital.
I'm not insane!
Let him go!
now you must listen to me.
You must understand me.
I am a doctor, too.
I am not insane.
All right.
Suppose we sit down,
and you tell me what happened?
Well, it started--
for me,
it started last Thursday...
in response to an urgent
message from my nurse.
I'd hurried home
from a medical convention.
At first glance,
everything looked the same.
It wasn't.
Something evil had taken
possession of the town.
These two.
Here you are.
Thank you, sir.
There you are.
Thank you.
Morning, Mr. Fisher.
Hiya, Sally.
Hi. Welcome home.
I'm glad you're back.
How's Mickey and the baby?
Fine, but everybody else
in Santa Mira needs a doctor.
You've got an office
full of patients.
Oh, no.
On my first day back?
Some of them have
been waiting for two weeks.
Why didn't you send them
to Pursey or Carmichael?
Most of 'em wouldn't go.
They want to see you.
What's the matter with them?
They wouldn't say.
Usually people can't talk enough
about what's ailing them.
For instance,
Wally Eberhard was in twice...
and called three times,
but he wouldn't say about what.
That's funny.
Nobody would talk--
from Becky Driscoll...
down to that fat
traffic cop Sam Janzek.
Becky Driscoll?
I thought she was in England.
She got back a few days ago,
and she wanted to see you.