She said only you
could help her.
Whatever it was...
it couldn't have been
too serious, I guess.
One minor concussion,
two cases of the common cold...
and six canceled appointments.
Looks like you rushed me here
for nothing.
I don't understand it.
They couldn't wait to see you.
But you're still booked up solid
for the afternoon.
I bet they don't show.
Look, there's Wally Eberhard...
talking somebody
into buying some insurance.
There's nothing wrong with him.
Bill Bitner's taking
his secretary to lunch.
And speaking of lunch...
will you tell whoever that is
that I'm out having mine?
Is Dr. Bennell in?
Yes, he's here.
Do you suppose
he has time to see me?
If he hasn't,
something's wrong with him.
Go right in.
Almost five years.
It's wonderful to be home again.
I've been away so long...
I feel almost like a stranger
in my own country.
Hope you don't mind my coming
without an appointment.
Not at all.
What'll you have?
We're pushing appendectomies
this week.
Oh, Miles.
I don't know,
maybe I clown around too much.
Pretty soon, my patients...
won't trust me
to prescribe aspirin for them.
Seriously, what's the trouble?
It's my cousin.
What's the matter with her?
She has a...
I guess you'd call it
a delusion.
You know her uncle?
Uncle Ira?
Sure. I'm his doctor.
She's got herself
thinking he isn't her uncle.
How do you mean?
That they're not really related?
She thinks
he's an impostor or something...
someone who only looks like Ira.
Have you seen him?
I just came from there.
Is he Uncle Ira,
or isn't he Uncle Ira?
Of course he is.
I told Wilma that,
but it was no use.
Please, would you stop by
and have a talk with her?
Sally says I'm booked up
for the afternoon...
but why don't you ask her
to come in and see me?
I'll try.
How about some lunch?
I can't.
I'm meeting Dad at the store.