Invasion of the Body Snatchers

That's just it.
There is no difference
you can actually see.

He looks, sounds, acts,
and remembers...

like Uncle Ira.
Then he is your Uncle Ira.
You see that?
No matter how you feel, he is.

But he isn't.
There's something missing.

He's been a father to me
since I was a baby.

Always when he talked to me...
there was a special look
in his eye.

That look's gone.
What about memories?
There must be certain things...

that only you and he
would know about.

There are.
I've talked to him about them.
He remembers them all...

down to the last small detail,
just like Uncle Ira would.

But, Miles...
there's no emotion.
Just the pretense of it.
The words, gesture,
the tone of voice...

everything else is the same,
but not the feeling.

Memories or not,
he isn't my Uncle Ira.

Wilma, I'm on your side.
My business
is people in trouble...

and I'm going to find
a way to help you.

No one could possibly
impersonate your Uncle Ira...

without you
or your Aunt Eleda or even me...

seeing a million
little differences.

I want you to realize that.
Think about it,
and then you'll know...

that the trouble is inside you.
Wilma, where are you?
Out on the lawn.
Say nothing to her.
Why, Miles,
I didn't know you were here.

Welcome home.
Hello, Mrs. Lentz.
Did you ask Miles
to stay for dinner?

Can't tonight.
I'm making spoon bread.
Please, don't tempt me.
Maybe next time.
Wilma, where are my glasses?
I think
they're on the mantelpiece.

I'll go with you.
Am I going crazy?
Don't spare me.
I've got to know.

No, you're not.
Even these days...

it isn't as easy to go crazy
as you might think.
