It's about time
you two got home.
Dad, what are you doing
in the basement this late?
Working in my shop.
Want a nightcap, doc?
No, thanks.
It's kind of late.
I'll take a rain check.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, Miles.
Look, Jack!
It's you! It's you!
No, no!
You mustn't go near it!
Get out of here! Please!
What happened, Jack?
Teddy says the thing
in our place is me...
right down
to the cut on my hand.
I didn't wait to look.
It's alive! It's alive!
The hand was cut and bleeding!
And the position
of the body had changed!
Here, here. Take this.
I'll call Danny Kauffman.
Hello, Danny?
Something's happened.
I've got to see you.
Will you get over here fast?