He doesn't believe me, Beck.
He will.
Somebody's playing games!
Rough ones.
There's a blood spot.
What you saw was the body
of a murdered man.
Did you examine it carefully?
I don't know
what's happened to it.
It wasn't an ordinary body.
There wasn't a mark on it.
I checked it, too.
Not a scratch.
You can kill a man...
by shoving an ice pick
into the base of his brain...
leaving a puncture so small
the naked eye can't see.
You're ignoring the fact
this wasn't a normal body.
What about the hand
Teddy mentioned?
I heard lots of things
Teddy said and none made sense.
Hold on, pal.
I was here, too.
So was Miles.
Look, we took his fingerprints.
Look at that.
Tell me why it didn't have any.
He didn't want any,
so he took them off with acid.
Stop trying
to rationalize everything.
We have a mystery on our hands.
Sure. A real one.
Whose body was it,
and where is it now?
A completely normal mystery.
Whatever it is, it's well within
the bounds of human experience.
Don't blow things
out of proportion.
I wouldn't if I hadn't
looked in Becky's cellar.
How do you explain the body
I saw there?
I don't think you saw one.
And the body here?
I know you saw it.
Three others saw it, too.
But I dreamed up
the second one?
Doctors can have
hallucinations, too.
The mind is a strange
and wonderful thing.
I'm not sure it'll ever be able
to figure itself out.
Everything else, maybe--
from the atom to the universe--
everything except itself.
I saw Becky's double...
and the body that we saw here...
bore an uncomfortable
resemblance to Jack.
Mighty uncomfortable.
Let's go to Becky's
and have a look.
Where's your
girlfriend's double?
OK, skeptic,
lift the lid.