There's a body here,
all right.
-It's Becky's double.
-It sure is.
Take another look.
Now you see it,
now you don't.
It was there--
half-hidden by that blanket.
You said
you saw it there just now.
I thought I did.
Why did you come here
You'd seen a dead man
at Jack's...
an average-sized man.
The face in death
was smooth and unlined...
bland in expression,
which often happens.
You had just become aware...
of a curious, unexplainable,
epidemic mass hysteria.
Men, women, and children
suddenly convinced themselves...
that their relatives weren't
their relatives at all...
so your mind
started playing tricks...
and reality became unreality.
The dead man became
Jack's double in your eyes.
Come off it, Dan.
I know
it's all hard to believe...
but these things happen--
even to witch doctors like me.
I saw her here!
She was real!
You saw her
in every tiny detail...
as vividly as anyone
has ever seen anything...
but only in your mind.
Danny, talk all night,
but you're not convincing me.
What are you doing in my cellar?
Using it for an office.
These gentlemen are patients...
badly in need
of psychiatric treatment.
They've been having nightmares.
If you're drunk,
you'd better sober up quick.
The police are coming.
No, we're not drunk.
Nothing that simple.
Pull up a chair.
Why, you're all crazy.
What's going on down there?
Hello, Nick.
Glad to see you.
You saved these two characters
a trip to the station.
They want to report
finding a body and losing it.
Where? When?
At my place about 7:00.
Why did you
wait so long to report it?
You know better than that, doc.
It was a curious sort
of a body...
and then it wasn't there
I have a good mind
to throw you both in jail.