[Door opens]
Do you think he'll come back?
I don't think they'll
check again before morning.
By then, Jack should be here
with help.
What if
Jack doesn't get through?
He's gotta get through.
Here. Take two of these.
They'll help you to stay awake.
We can't close our eyes
all night.
We may wake up changed...
into something evil and inhuman.
In my practice,
I've seen how people...
have allowed their humanity
to drain away.
Only, it happens slowly
instead of all at once.
They didn't seem to mind.
But just some people.
All of us--a little bit.
We harden our hearts
and grow callous.
Only when we have to fight
to stay human...
do we realize how precious
it is to us...
how dear...
as you are to me.