Crescent City.
If you have Crescent City
families, step to truck one.
Crescent City...
the first truck.
All with Redbank families
or contacts...
go to truck number two.
All with Redbank families
or contacts...
truck number two.
the third truck.
the third truck.
Mill Town--the third truck.
Mill Town--the third truck.
Valley Springs...
the third truck.
Valley Springs...
First our town...
then all the towns around us.
It's a malignant disease...
spreading through
the whole country.
That's all for today.
Be ready again tomorrow.
I can't wait for Jack
any longer. Stay here.
You're not going out there?
I've got to stop them!
Wait! We're safe here!
They're not here.
I hope we're not too late.
Jack! Thank God!
The whole town's been
taken over by the pods!
Not quite.
There's still you and Becky.
Miles, it would have
been so much easier...
if you'd gone to sleep
last night.
We're here to help you.
You know better than that.
Where do you want us
to put them?
Would you like
to watch them grow?
-No, thanks.
-Put them in there.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
We're not going to hurt you.
Once you understand,
you'll be grateful.
Remember how Teddy and I
fought against it.
We were wrong.
You mean Teddy doesn't mind?
Of course not.
She feels exactly the way I do.
Let us go!
If we leave town,
we won't come back.
We can't let you go.
You're dangerous to us.