It Lives Again

I'm not here to sell anything.
Honey, why don't you put
the presents away? We'll work this out.

I'd like to hear it.
It's about your baby.
I was going to get some coffee.
Would you like some coffee? Something?

You can stop playing hostess now.
The guy's here, he's been here all day,
and now he won't tell us what he wants.

- Just let him talk, will you?
- Who's stopping him?

Look, if you have something to tell me
about my baby...

then why don't you? Because, frankly,
it's making me kind of nervous.

I don't know if you're aware
that doctors all over the country...

have been contacted
by the federal government...

and asked to report
what they consider to be...

cases of abnormal pregnancy.
I don't know what that has to do with us.
Dr. Fairchild has taken
an extensive series of tests just last week.

- Yes, but you said abnormal.
- The baby's very large, isn't it?

Listen, are you a doctor?
No, he's not a doctor.
He's the man that was in TIME magazine.
Remember, there was a story?
It was in all the newspapers.

Frank Davis?
The Davis baby. Remember?
There was a special program on CBS.

Yes, I do remember.
I felt very sorry for you, Mr. Davis.
- Is your wife all right?
- She's recovered.

But have you recovered...
or do you go around to people's houses
trying to frighten them?

If there's anything I can do for you,
if you need an attorney...
