It Lives Again

Take it easy.
It's happening, and it's going to continue
to happen to lots of other people.

Thousands. Millions, maybe,
before this century's out.

Did he tell you what it looked like?
I feel exactly like I did
when they called me and told me...

Dad died of a heart attack.
Jody, why did you let him touch you?
Hello, Doctor. Yeah.
I'm going to need help down here.
That's right.
I'm staying at the Palos Park Motor Inn.
That's two blocks from the hospital.
That's right.

We have a lot of people
who are sympathetic to us here.

We're setting up facilities
to deliver the baby outside the hospital.

A mobile unit is being brought in
from Los Angeles.

- We can't wait for her to go into labor.
- Will it be safe for the mother, Doctor?

The prime danger
will be to the infant itself.

We'll have to tranquilize it before delivery.
It could be stillborn.

We'll be waiting for you.
