- Mrs. Scott?
- Excuse me? Pardon me?
No, I'm not going to go in there!
Who are you? Wait a minute!
Why are all these police here?
- They're for security, that's all.
- What, for a bomb scare?
Nothing to be alarmed about.
That's about what it is.
It's nothing to do with you
watching my house the other night?
- Jody, wait, I'll be right in.
- Take him to the waiting room.
I don't want to go to the... Wait!
Once more. Long, steady push.
The officers are outside.
You want them in here now?
Please, it's going to be a beautiful baby.
It's going to be a girl.
Gene wants a little girl.
Please don't hurt my baby.
It's going to be a beautiful baby,
I know that.
Everything will be all right.
Don't worry about it.
Long, steady push.
It's normal!
I don't know about this.
If you don't want to go through
with this, I'll take responsibility.