I'm not afraid to look anymore.
One thing I think you'll find:
They bear a striking resemblance
to each other.
Almost like brother and sister.
Is one of them a female?
We keep them down here
because it's more secure.
When will Frank Davis be here?
He won't come until it's absolutely safe.
In my opinion,
based on their present rate of growth...
in five or six years,
they should be capable of sexual activity.
I pride myself in thinking...
that these two might be the first
to reproduce on this planet.
Which one is mine?
He's in the laboratory upstairs.
He'll be brought down here eventually,
where it's warm.
Also, being with each other
seems to calm them.
I've named them.
First necessity with a child, I suppose.
Might be in bad taste
or even blasphemous...
to have named them Adam and Eve.
But, what the hell,
it seemed like a good joke at the time.
- They know you're afraid of them.
- No kidding?
They're not the only ones who know it.
Boy, do I know it!
Your fear seems to threaten them.
He's the father of one just like you.
You're going to have a little baby brother.
He's here, and he's safe.
And this is his father.
Neither of them
have ever met their parents.
Probably want to focus on you
as a father figure.