It Lives Again

Do you know
the New View Theater on B Street?

Go there tonight for the 8:00 show.
At 8:15, go out the fire exit
on the south side of the theater.

Get on the first city bus that passes.
We'll be waiting for you.

Please don't smoke.
The babies don't like it.

Is that your gun?
Your boy seems to be getting along
quite well with the other two.

I told you not to smoke.
They're very sensitive to it.

I'm sorry.
We don't regard them
as being monsters or subhuman.

As a matter of fact, they're
potentially beautiful. Superhuman.

The beginning of a new race of humanity
that will finally eclipse our own.

They're the next step forward in evolution.
A way in which the human race
can survive the pollutions of this planet.

I think I'm going to go upstairs.
I'll see you later.

I got to get something to drink.
You want something?

Bring me a diet soda of some sort.
