The floor sticks to your feet
in this theater.
It's all right.
Tell Mr. Mallory I put it in her purse
before we went out tonight.
Jody never could fool her mother.
Welcome aboard, Mrs. Scott.
We've made arrangements
for you to see the baby.
Please lie down. You'll be out of sight.
This place used to be a private academy
for embassy children...
till one day
a kid fell in this pool and drowned.
It was quite a scandal.
The lawsuits dragged on for months.
The school had to close down.
It's been a white elephant ever since.
What if you're wrong?
What if these babies...
can't be tamed or trained
or whatever you're going to do with them?
We're not trying to turn them into pets.
Just trying to make them realize
their maximum potential...