Mrs. Deblon, please.
Ask the secretary
over there.
Come in.
I'd like to see
Mrs. Deblon.
You have an appointment?
No, but tell her
it's Renato Baldi.
I doubt she'll see you
without an appointment.
She's very busy.
At least try.
Tell her Renato Baldi is here.
Wait in the hall.
Madam President
will see you at once.
I'm coming with you.
I won't leave you alone
with that woman.
I know what
she's capable of.
Mrs. Deblon is waiting.
I'm coming.
Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.
Renato Baldi.
Dear Madam President.
I must say this is a surprise.
Have a seat.
I never drink in the morning,
but...for the occasion...
What made you come see me?
It's not serious, is it?
He wants to get married.
How old is he?
You don't even remember.
You haven't seen that boy
for nearly 20 years.
Yes, I know.
Did you come to reproach me?
My goodness, no.
It's just that for the first
time, Laurent needs you.