Is someone there?
Who are you?
I heard you.
Won't you speak to me?
I'm all alone.
Come with me.
- Are you lost?
- Yes.
I know the area well,
but I had to leave in a rush...
and I lost my way.
I've been going in circles
since this morning.
- Did you come through the village?
- Is your village near here?
Yes. Are you lost too?
Listen, I'll help you find
your village.
What does this area look like?
There are large rocks everywhere.
They reach up to the sky
like trees.
Of course. Now I know.
We must walk west toward the sun.
We'll come across a little path.
The village isn't far.
- I hope the fighting is over.
- Fighting?
Yes, something like that.
Lucas told me to run for my life.
Here's the little path, over here.