It's open.
Paul Grogan?
Hi. I'm Maggie McKeown.
I work for a skip-tracing company.
- What's that?
- We find missing people.
Did my ex-wife send you?
I'm looking for a pair of teenage kids.
Some friends said they might
be backpacking up here.
I haven't seen 'em. Did you
talk to the sheriff's people?
- They said it was a big mountain.
- They're right. It is.
I figured they may have followed the river.
Are there any places to swim near here?
Well, if they'd drowned,
they'd be swept down to the dam.
So you're startin' at the wrong end.
Boy, you're the wrong end all right.
Look, am I interrupting something?
This is kind of important.
you cool your jets, lady.
I didn't axe-murder your young couple.
I can't help you. I haven't seen 'em.
Are there any other shacks up here?
Cabins. This is a cabin.
Are there any more of them? Any places
where they might be holed up?
There's an old fella named Jack,
has a place down the river a bit,
but he's not with them.
And there was some kind of army
test site way up the mountain.