Iz kje to izvira.
Bil je ribnik preden je vojska
zavzela vse skupaj.
Najbr se je vse izlilo v reko
Mislim, da je bil pes.Ne verjamem
da so ga prinesi sem.
V enem kosu e ne.
Misli, da je vse v redu z starim?
O, sranje.
O, moj bog.
Najbr sem pustila kjuèe v avtu, a?
Where does this drain to?
It was a fish hatchery
before the army took it over.
It probably drains
underground into the river.
I think it's a dog. I don't suppose
they would have fit through here.
Not in one piece.
You think he's all right up there?
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
I guess I must have left
the keys in it. Huh?