Dajte, no. Vojne je konec, za vraga!
Tudi druge vojne lahko pridejo
Gospod Grogan.
Za vae dobro boste
pod nadzorom èez noè.
Glej kdo je tukaj.
Kaj se dogaja?
Je e vedno tam?
Potem, ga mora ti zamotiti.
Da lahko pobegnem. Pobegne?
Kaj pa jaz?
Tudi ti. Samo najprej ga zamoti.
Ne bi vedel. Zvabi ga proè od tukaj.
Pribliaj se mu.
Kaj èe je peder?
Potem ga bom jaz prevzel.
Oh, come on! The war's over, dammit!
There'll be other wars, Mr Grogan.
I think for your own protection
we'd better secure your tent for the night.
- Look who's here.
- What's goin' on?
Psst! Is he still out there?
- Then you'll have to distract him.
- Why?
- So I can get away.
- So you can get away? What about me?
- Suit yourself. But first you distract him.
- How?
How would I know? Just get him with
his back to the opening. Come on to him.
What if he's gay?
Then I'll distract him. Let's go.