Pretty Baby

A boy.
A boy?
Does it really hurt
to have a baby?

Violet, you asking
the wrongest person,

the very wrongest person
in the world.

Come on and play
that thing, Professor.

Well, I certainly
will do that.

I'll play something for that
pretty baby your mama just had.

Brung into the cruel, cruel
world on a night like this,

against his will.
And today, I have attained
my 75th birthday, and
I intend to celebrate!

I haven't had a woman
in longer than I care to say.
You know, she doesn't
have to be beautiful,

just patient.
Well, how about Frieda?
How are you, Admiral?
Well, hello, Nell.
You've been to the North Sea.
I sure have, and now
I'm on an extended
leave of absence.

- Well, I'm...
- Going to be here a long time.

Ooh, you're my kind of man.
I like the way
you move.
All I want to hear from you
is that I'm handsome,
virile, generous, and kind.
