You may come in,
Monsieur Bellocq.
Well, come in then.
Good God, you're in
the wrong place, Monsieur.
We're not
in the business of buying.
Madame, um,
perhaps you know my name.
I have... photographed
in the district many times.
Am I addressing
Madame Livingston?
Yes, you are,
And you are too early.
My girls are all asleep.
They work late, you know.
It's 10:00 in the morning,
I require the light
from the sun.
Now is the best time for me.
This young lady there,
she would be fine.
I run a good, old-fashioned
whorehouse, Monsieur.
And you seem
a little rabbity to me.
What the hell
kind of thing is that?
I don't cater to the inverts.
If you're looking
for something different,
I can assure you,
you can find it
right down here
in New Orleans.
Madame, please, don't tell me
about New Orleans,
I've lived here all my life.
I apologize, Monsieur.
You realize I'm willing
to pay for her time.
Violet, child, go get me
that package that Red brought.