Pretty Baby

and it's all paid for, so there.
Why, hell, man.
She's only good for one thing.
Why would anybody want
to take a picture

of a piece of ass?
Excuse me, I will have
to ask you to move away.

She must remain
absolutely still.

Come on, Honey Pie,
now, go along, now.
You're still just
a little bit drunk.

Where the hell
did you get those earrings?

Give me those emeralds.
You skull-cracking,
cotton-brained whore!

You gave them to me
last night!

Well, why would I give
real emeralds to a whore?
God damn you,
you bet me I wouldn't let you
put those holes in my ears,
and I did, so those are mine!
I won them!
Them's mine!
Oh, my sweet
little piece of ass!

I remember now,
Hattie, I remember.

Go to the bed and take off
your stockings, child.
