Violet, go make me a pipe.
I can't take
all this emotionalizing.
Harry, get in here
and throw him out.
You can't throw him out.
He'll come back and kill me.
Well, look what that goddamn,
son of a bitch
did to my place.
Well, you just can't
leave him to die.
Well, you just watch me.
Harry, go through his pockets
and take everything he's got.
He only has about a hundred.
Take it all.
Drop him on Emma Johnson's
Oh, no!
Go on then.
Pack up your bags
and go with him.
And get rid of that hammer
that accidentally
dropped on him.
We don't do no carpentry work
in here,
so we don't need no hammers.
Hattie, you know
Nell didn't mean that.
Something must've went wrong
when your ma was carrying you
in her pouch.
Oh, yeah, something
went wrong.
My mama was a whore.
She had me in a house
just like this.
Now I'm a whore,
and I don't know anything
except a man lying on top of me,
scared to death I'm going
to get the little casino.
Oh, here we go again.
You think you're
the only whore in New Orleans
scared of getting sick?
Oh, you just go
ahead and laugh.
You're going to end up
peddling gas
for a thumbnail of cocaine.
I'll send for my trunk.