This is the Clouseau residence?
This is also the residence
of the Clouseau manservant Cato Fong?
Then be so good as to tell him...
that I wish to have speaks with him.
Who shall I say wish to have speaks
with Mr. Fong?
Tell him it is an old friend.
Mr. Fong has many old friends.
Listen, you, tell him
it is Chief Inspector...
Why didn't you say so
in the first place?
Please come in.
Good evening...
and congratulations!
You are our first Caucasian...
and that entitles you
to a 10% discount until midnight.
- Who are you?
- Mrs. Wu. But you can call me Madam.
- Yes?
- Inspector Clouseau.
Please come in.
- Welcome.
- Good evening.
Please, make yourself at home.
That man just called himself
Inspector Clouseau.
It was Mr. Fong's idea...
but personally I think
we should have a better password.
I demand to know exactly
what is going on in here.
Just about anything
your little heart desires.