Yes, yes.
Normally, that is precisely
what you would have to do.
But these are not normal times.
Someone has just tried to kill me.
That's normal.
But this time, that someone thinks
he has succeeded.
Except for you and me,
the whole world believes that I am dead.
And in this case,
death has its advantages.
No one will know it is me...
as I glide through the underworld
like a shadow.
- Good evening, Commissioner.
- Charles!
Thank you.
I'm sorry to be late,
but as you must have heard...
some lunatic was hiding in my closet.
Yes. Russo.
You remember.
Why wouldn't I remember?
It was only three years ago.
Of course. Claude Russo,
alias Claudine Russo.
Armed robbery dressed as a woman.
But he got five years.
He was released on parole
three months ago.
So it could have been Russo.
He is clever.
Clever enough to fool Francois?
I like Francois, but fooling him
no longer constitutes...
an act of more than average cleverness,
shall we say?
I always thought
he was rather a good policeman.
When he was my assistant,
he was a very good policeman...
with a bright future.
But then he was assigned to Clouseau.
Now, Charles.
- All that's in the past.
- Yes, of course.
Tomorrow morning...
when they plant him six feet deep
and shovel in the dirt...