Same Time, Next Year

So we went to bed
and we started making love,

and nothing happened.
I mean, for me.
I mean, I couldn't-
Well, you get the picture.
Yeah. It was no big deal.

I mean,
we laughed about it.

Then about a half hour later,
just as I was going to sleep,

Helen turned to me
and said, "It's funny.

When I married a C.P.A., I always thought
it would be his eyes that would go first."

Well... she was just trying
to make you feel better.

Well, it didn't.
Some things aren't funny.

What I'm trying to say is the thing
that bugs me the most about Helen...

is that she broke
my pecker.

- You're impotent.
- Slightly.

That's five people
who know.

You, me, Helen and her mother.
Who's the fifth?

Chet Huntley. I'm sure her mother has
given him the bulletin for the 6:00 news.

Honey, when did this happen? Happen?
Doris, we're not talking
about a throughway accident.

You don't wake up one morning and say, "Shoot,
the family jewels have gone on the blink."

It's a gradual thing.
And how's Helen
reacting to it?

We haven't
discussed it much.

I got the impression she regards it as
a lapse in one's social responsibility.

Rather like letting your partner down
in tennis by not holding your serve.

I'll be all right.
The patient's not dead,
just resting.

Doris, that statement hardly
calls for congratulations.

No, I need help
getting up.
