Se ying diu sau

Shangkuan I-yun, your Eagle's Claw
destroyed all my Snake-fist schools

And killed 3000 of my students
The Eagle's Claw and Snake-
fist have been enemies for years

It's the god's will that
the Snake-fist is eliminated by me

I, as the leader of the Snake-fist...
will have a final fight with you
You should know that...
The snake-fist is no match
for the Eagle's Claw

I've to do this for my ancestors
I've no fear in death

Though I must die today
I still have descendents

You'll never eliminate
the School of Snake-Fist

I know Pai Chang-tien and
your son are alive

Yes, as long as Pai Chang-tien is alive
The flag of Snake-fist will rise again
I'll kill you, and then Pai Chang-tien
