- This is Mr Marlowe, General.
- Sir.
You're looking at a rather
dull survival of a gaudy life.
A cripple...
...both legs paralysed.
And just half his lower belly.
- Brandy?
- Thank you.
I... I used to drink this with champagne.
So you know Inspector Carson?
Our paths cross now and then.
He recommended you.
He said you had...
...that American quality of insubordination.
- What do you know of "me"?
- Well, you're very rich.
Your wife died several years ago
and you moved to England.
You have two daughters -
very pretty, but... a trifle wild.
The older one married an Irishman
called Rusty Regan.
I'm very fond of Rusty.
He was the breath of life to me
while he lasted.
- What happened to him?
- He went away.
He went away, a month ago.
Without even saying goodbye to me.
That hurt a little.
I'll be hearing from him one of these days.
Meanwhile, I'm being blackmailed again.
Two or three months before
Rusty came, about a year ago...
...I paid £5,000 to a man
by the name of Joe Brody...
...to leave my younger daughter
Camilla alone.
I met her in the hall.
Yes. I'm afraid my girls
have all the usual vices.
She tried to sit on my lap.
I was standing up at the time.
Uh, what about the, uh...
what about the note?