Oh, Rusty was a lot of fun for Dad!
More fun for Dad than he was for me!
- Did he say anything about Rusty?
- He said something.
He wants to find him?
Well, yes and no.
I don't see what there is
to be cagey about.
I don't like your manners.
No, I grieve over them myself
in the long, lonely winter evenings.
What is it you're afraid of, Mrs Regan?
Then he... didn't want to
see you about Rusty?
- Why don't you ask "him"?
- Forget it.
Please... Mr Marlowe?
Please... Could you find Rusty
if Dad asked you to?
When did he go?
Oh, about a month ago.
They found his car
in a hotel garage somewhere.
- They?
- He "didn't" tell you, then.
That is not what your father
wanted to see me about.
Is that what you've been trying
to get me to tell you?
As a matter of fact, yes.
Very well. Then I'll be trotting along.
She had lovely legs. I will say that for her.
I did a little superficial research, even
though the job her father had given me...
... was a lawyer's job.
If Mr Arthur Gwynn Geiger...
... Rare Books and First Editions...
... turned out to be a blackmailer...
... it was still a lawyer's job.
Unless there was a lot more to it
than met the eye.
At a casual glance I thought
I might have a lot of fun finding out.
Can I help you?
Do you have a "Chevalier Audubon" 1840
- the full set?