The Big Sleep

What about?
He thought I was looking for a man who
people say had run away with his wife.

- Were you?
- No, I was not.

Then... what "did" you come for?
To find out "why" he thought
I was looking for a man...

...who people say had
run away with his wife.

- And did you find out?
- I did not.

- What's Eddie Mars got on you?
- He just doesn't like me winning.

I suppose he's the one
that sent that loogan after you.

- Loogan?
- The guy with the gun.

Are you a loogan?
A loogan is on the wrong side
of the fence.

Is there a wrong side?
What's Eddie Mars got on you?
- You mean a hold of some sort?
- Yeah.

Wittier, Marlowe.
I don't pretend to be witty.
How's the General?
Not good.
I do not want him to die hating us.
You shoot people, don't you,
Mr Marlowe?

You're a killer.
You're one of those quiet, deadly men.
No feelings.
You've enough shady friends
to know different.

They're all soft, Marlowe,
compared to you.

Where do you live?
By the cathedral.
Do you care to show me?
- You want to see it?
- Yes...
