The Boys from Brazil

A nosy, incompetent old Jew
has bumbled onto one victim.

What more do you have to know?
Any idiot could see the next logical step.
- Kill him!
- We don't want to create a martyr!

Besides, he could have contacted
police agencies or intelligence services.

They would not pay any attention to him!
If he died suddenly, they would.
..then what are you going to do?
Lieberman will have to be watched
more carefully.

If he gets too close,
a decision will be made.

We will balance
the danger of killing Lieberman...

..against the scientific validity
of your project.

Are you, my esteemed Chief of Security,
telling me...

..that a project 20 years and millions of
dollars in the making will be dropped...

..because of this insignificant,
impudent old Jew?

Do not antagonise me, Doktor Mengele.
I have been one of your few supporters
since this Lieberman business began.

And should I drop to my knees
in gratitude?

Listen to me, Seibert.
I will not permit you to lay your failure
or your fear at my door.

I am a scientist. I have done my job.
You are an executioner. Do yours!
Ah! A reception committee! How nice!
