The Driver

- How about a beer?
- I'd rather not, if that's okay by you.

Well, it's fine by me.
Today's your lucky day.
I'm feeling generous.

I'm gonna give you a choice.
You and your bunch are gonna do one more job--
a bank, nice big one--
for free.
You're gonna hire a new driver, that's all.
A good one.
I don't work with cops.
Oh, gosh.
I wish you hadn't said that.
Ow! God damn you!
Now, about this bank.
Cash on hand..200,000.
That's bait for the man you're gonna hire.
He does know banks.
You set it up in a week or you're--
Yeah, I know all about 1 0 years.
Well, that's the choice.
Do 1 0 years wearing a number...
or trust me...
and walk away free.
- You're getting in pretty deep
on this one, aren't you?
- That's my business.

Setting up bank jobs? I don't remember
that being part of taking the oath.

We're getting the money back,jerk-off.
And we're catching somebody
that's never been caught.

That's a public service.
How many banks in this city...
get hit every month?
Oh, 1 5, on the average.
