You're not even in my league.
I tell you what, though.
I'm a very generous man.
Tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna help you be a better cop.
You know how?
You know what you do first thing every morning?
Read the sports page.
You know why?
Best part of the newspaper.
Winners, losers, how it happened, score.
Now, we've got a better game
than the one they give the players.
They don't retire us after 1 0 years.
Just one thing.
You gotta be a player...
a real player...
not just filling out a position.
I guess you figure you're a winner.
That's it. And you're a loser.
But I think you'd like to be a winner.
And you're gonna show me the way, huh?
Unless, of course,
you turn into a complete asshole first.
Let's move.
I just wanna talk.
We need you. You're valuable.
I already gave you guys an answer.
We don't like that answer.
Be friendly. Do things our way.
Go ahead and pull the trigger.