[ Knocking ]
Guess I can't leave you alone, can I?
Guess I'm just a real friendly guy.
A friend of yours told me where I could
find you in the middle of the day.
I don't have any friends.
That's right.
No friends.
No steady job.
No girlfriend.
You live real cheap.
You don't ask any questions.
Boy, you got it down real tight.
So tight, there's no room for anything else.
That's a real sad song.
Only trouble is,
sad songs ain't selling this year.
Maybe I'm your friend.
Present. I brought it for you.
Found it on the floorboard
of some Ford a cowboy boosted.
[ Chuckles ]
Go ahead, take it.
Save you the trouble of making another one.
I really like chasing you.
Sounds like you got a problem.