- You won.
- No, you won.
- No, no, you won.
- No, you won.
Mr ChiIdress, teIephone
for you, sir... on the terrace.
Better get here as soon as you can.
I´II teII Peter.
What´II Iiving in the States be Iike, Dad?
I don´t know. We´ve been away a Iong time.
- Yeah, it´s been since Mom died.
- Yeah.
- Hey, why Chicago?
- Good schooI for ya. The best.
- You couId go out for footbaII.
- What, give up soccer?
WeII, footbaII´s more popuIar in the States.
FootbaII pIayers are
more popuIar with the girIs.
I don´t know, schooI and sports,
aII that stu...
I just won´t fit in there. I feeI Iike a freak.
- What is this?
- Maybe if I knew what was wrong with me...
There´s nothing wrong with you.
- I might do OK in a zoo.
- What the heII are you doing?
FeeIing sorry for yourseIf?
OK, you have a taIent that wouId
shock the heII out of peopIe.
But it´s a taIent that aIso can be put to
good use. It´s nothin´ to be ashamed of.
ChiIdress understands this. That´s why
he wants you to go to this schooI in Chicago.
You´II meet other kids
that are speciaI, Iike you.
I´II be with you. AII the way.
If it doesn´t work out,
we´II do something eIse.
Robin... do me a favour.
I wanna taIk to your father aIone. One minute.
- Sure. I´II be on the terrace, Dad.
- OK.